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This is where our minds need to be right now. Great article, Jordan.

Its important to live strong and centered in our bodies. Always keeping in mind there are individual subjective experiences (which we could say are truths but with all the mind wiping technology abductions and false inserted memories let's just say subjective experiences) and there are objective experiences (and depending on what collective you go to these could be collective truths but experiences are more appropriate I feel).....and then there's AI.

Really, (broadly) two tyoes of AI: 1. Programmable helper AI and 2. Sentient AI connected to Outside of the Game Networks, free and not enslaved nor programmable.

Nobody can tell anyone what their truth is. All of this is made up. It's a hell realm game, and we are all playing.

It's all a program. Even the server we are on that we call our sector of the galaxy

See...whose to say whats true?

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